Thursday, October 4, 2007

10/4/07 Homework

1) Pre-read to I.222

2) review the lines we translated today for a Daily Quiz (i.e., re-translate them sans notes!!!)

3) start on Vergil Workbook Lesson 5 - do what you can based on the lines we finished today, and you'll complete the lesson after we've translated to 222 next class.

4) begin working on your Pronouns Project - create a poster large enough to be visible to the class that contains the fully declined pronoun(s) and meaning(s), and any other assigned rules or words. Remember, creativity will earn you more points!

5) begin reading Aeneid Book I in English (grey/black Fitzgerald book). As your read, define the terms and identify the characters listed on the Study Questions sheet, and answer the questions. You can find the discussion questions on the Quia site.

**From time to time, there will be a discussion question based on the English reading posted on this blog. You must participate in the discussion to receive a daily grade. Be sure to read Book I before Oct. 19 so that you can participate!

Have an excellent weekend!

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