Friday, September 28, 2007

Test Tips

Study tips for the test:
1) re-translate the lines WITHOUT looking at your notes! (I. 81-179) If you're having trouble with a section, review the grammar and vocab for that section and come back to it.

2) look at the Vergil Workbook Lessons 3 & 4 questions we didn't cover, especially the essay questions. Try writing out a couple of essays for practice, using Latin quotes with line #s and translations or paraphrases.

3) Make sure to use the handout I gave you, steps for writing a short answer - don't forget to make an outline of your overall argument!

3) Grade your own or have a friend grade your essay according to:
a) did you answer the question that was posed?
b) did you use Latin support from the beginning, middle, and end of the selection?
c) did you use Latin support accurately?
d) Did your analysis of each quote go in-depth to explain how the quote supports your thesis / answers the question?

***A good rule of thumb for essays: for each "concrete detail" (i.e. piece of Latin text quoted), write at least two "commentary" thoughts (i.e. sentences that explain how the quote supports your argument). It's okay to have two quotes in a row and then 4 pieces of commentary, but be careful - you want to show where you're going with your concrete details, unlike the guy whose essay we read today who saved all his commentary for the end and didn't fully flesh out his argument as a result!

Clear as mud? I thought so. Blog or email your questions!

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